"The Chimera Virus" is a fast-paced, sensual, and occasionally horrific science fiction adventure. The first book of The Chimera Trilogy highlights the evolution of the Chimera virus - a life-form mutated by the vagaries of space and time, safeguarded by a favorable world and malleable beasts, sheltered within ever more worthy hosts. Sculpting with skill and wisdom, Chimera finds true purpose within the welcoming abode of Man, through a natural recombinant DNA ability, transforming this staunch creature into the fearsome Vampyres. But alien eyes fall upon this Eden, and their hungry gaze speaks of plans to take it--a worthy addition to their empire. But partnered with alien Nanites, Chimera finds fulfillment as Symbionts, and sustaining them as virtual gods, evolving the Bloodwarrior vampyres into a force the Universe reveres as Mindangels. Let the games begin!
Chimera's journey is born of a cosmic disaster. A wayward meteorite delivers an intelligent virus to the primeval Earth. With force of will, patience and a knack for applying recombinant DNA, the alien virus traverses the evolutionary ladder until finding a home within the community of man. Generating an extraordinary human schism, the virus ushers in a new epoch, covertly dominated by a race of vigilantes, superior to ordinary humans, enhanced by Chimera and the DNA of preceding hosts.
In the modern world, Humans and the Vampyres live in a peculiar symbiotic relationship in which the evil in man infuses life into the blood of the Vampyres. In return, the Vampyres weed out the predators among the oblivious humans. The balance is precarious at best, fraught with a history settling into a curious harmony, until the Earth is invaded by a vanguard of alien soldiers, powerful reptilian invaders.
But two female Bloodwarriors present more of an obstacle than the aliens could ever have imagined might exist on this outland world. The girls know there is more at risk than a delicate social fabric -- the fate of the entire world is at stake, and despite the best attempts of a staunch alien commander, the Vampyres are determined to remain at the top of the food chain. Who will prevail in this clash of warrior gladiators?
But there is an ever more provocative and pressing question -- what species, what world, what empire will fall ultimate victim to The Chimera Virus?