Delinquent. Disruptive. Dysfunctional.
Fifteen-year-old Darla Wallin knows what they say about her. Knows what they write in their files. The social workers and guidance counselors and probation officers. But they don't know her.
Her mother, who supposedly knows her best, uses words like willful, wayward, and worthless.
Darla used to think if someone would just give her a chance, she'd prove them all wrong. But no one ever does.
Foster parents Shelly and Rob let her take the driver's permit test even though she's disappointed them a bunch of times.
But she fails. Again.
Because she's a stupid loser, right?
She knows she can drive. All she needs is a car.
The emergency room isn't part of her plan.
She doesn't understand why Shelly and Rob still have faith in her.
What would happen if, one day, Darla started believing in herself?