"First Catch Your Horse," the first book of The Horse Bumbler Series, takes the reader through the many woes and vicissitudes of an Awful Rider with Aspirations to become a Competent Rider. This book goes through the author's tried and tested, and mostly not recommended, ways of acquiring a horse.
The second book, "You've Caught Your Horse: Now What?" takes a humorous look at deep issues of horse ownership, such as "Where the Heck Do I Put It?" and "Mounting the Beast."
Now comes "The Aim of All This." Recovering from the sober discovery that just because they bought a horse doesn't mean they are able to ride it, and after begging other people to take the plunge first, the author and her husband finally mount up and Get Serious About Riding. This leads to the world of show-jumping, eventing and dressage, as well as a brief foray into the hunting field (where the hounds are always outfoxed).
Reading about Hilary's incompetence in and out of the competition arena will encouraged you in your own riding. Remember, it's not the rider with talent who wins, but the one who works at becoming better.
"What Horses Do to You," the final book, discusses how the process of horse ownership can (and most likely will) warp your mind and body. In common with many top sportsmen, you'll develop a superstitious mind, especially when it comes to show days, and possibly acquire the odd scar or two. You may want to warn your family about this.
I'm afraid the other bad news is that horses have a tendency to get hurt and need the vet. You'll get to read about some of the things that can go wrong and how yours truly has dealt with them.
But horses are still great fun and absolutely worth owning!