The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Leadership (Volume 5) contains the following books:
Church Planting Strategies In the Crucible for Service Prerequisites for Spiritual Ministry Laws of Spiritual Success Making Spiritual Progress (Volume 3)This ecstatic and exciting volume opens with church planting strategies. These strategies for planting churches are many and varied. You cannot plant churches without seriously considering and deploying elements such as prayer, fasting, preaching, character, and service.
It is not all the church planting strategies that you will apply in all situations. Every situation demands serious knowledge of the people involved, the setting, and the characteristics of the place. It also requires God's specific instructions peculiar to the people or the place.
Some people think that service is an easy thing. It may be simple, but it is not simplistic. Service is hard, hazardous but hope-bringing. That is why those who serve find themselves in a crucible in which they burn until they are brought out for their promotions.
Are you ready to face your own fiery furnace? Are you ready to face your own lion's den like Daniel? Are you ready to face a prison like Joseph, son of Jacob? Are you ready to face your own cross like Jesus of Nazareth? If you fear fire, lions, prison, the cross, and such debilitating things, you fear leadership.
The author emphasises that the leader must make personal spiritual progress so that he may walk the people through that progress. If you don't make progress personally as a leader, your leadership may sag, stagnate and stall.