Multiple murders. Countless suspects.
He'll take the case, but only because he has no other choice.
Four novellas. Four noir-style murder mysteries!
C.T. Ferguson wishes his parents would get off his case. Forced to use his brilliant hacking skills to play detective, he hopes that each investigation is a cinch. But a body near a Baltimore chapel is only the beginning, and the better the rich kid gets at his job, the more dangerous his work becomes...
Crossing paths with shadowy religious figures, a backwoods crime syndicate, a violent gang, and a puzzling art thief, C.T. must use his cyber savvy to stay one step ahead. As each case brings a new roster of ruthless suspects, C.T. wonders if his luck will eventually run out...
The C.T. Ferguson Mystery Novella Collection is a bundle of three novellas from this binge-worthy series. If you like wry humor, classic noir, and modern cyber intrigue, then you'll love Tom Fowler's action-packed whodunits.