The first volume of Victor Malone's Magnum Opus and final novel. A time and space spanning, genre melding, multiple narrative of epic proportions.
In 2025 an American Hacker - having just pulled off a major financial crime in South East Asia - hides out in an old lady's basement in leafy old England, whilst awaiting word from his missing in action partner.
In 2030 a bibliophile, ex-cop turned Private Detective, searching an unnamed American Metropolis for a missing girl - the exotically named Samira - crosses paths with an occult symbol.
And in 2098, a 'chosen one' known only as 'the mole,' on a quest for his village elders, wanders the scorched earth of lost civilisations, on a quest to defeat The Five Masters, and their masters, the universally feared Nefarious Ones. That is, if the Nefarious Ones are more than mere myth.
Each of these men will find their destinies within a crumbling world as the doomsday clock ticks down with cruel indifference.
Detective novel, cyber thriller, post apocalyptic fiction, cosmic horror…an end of times novel for the end of times.
[Note: this is NOT a series. The novel will be published in stages, this being the first of 4 Volumes. The complete book will be republished in all formats: ebook, audiobook, hardback & paperback. The 0.99 pricing is a limited promotional offer.]
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