Summary: The ark of God had been holed up in Abinadab's house for many years. But when King David arranged for thousands of people to celebrate seeing it moved back to the centre of national life, a man integral to the procession suddenly died and the great parade stopped. What did it signify? Listen to Asaph, a key musician at the time, relate what David did next. Using those sections of Scripture and background reading which give details about this period in history, the author creatively gives Asaph a voice whilst staying true to the intent of the text. Enjoy listening to him tell his story. *See pdf attached for a photograph of an original pair or cymbals discovered near Jerusalem and of the kind Asaph may have used.
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"Not only does this book bring the scriptures to life, but there are also tips for a person to successfully recreate this as a monologue presentation for a congregation!" - Suzanne Sholer, 11 June 2023, Go*glePlay.
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