Filmmaking involves much more than just buying a camera and a computer and The Digital Filmmaking Handbook covers everything you need to know, whether you're making a feature-length movie, a series of webisodes, a VR project, or even your first short film. This one-stop digital filmmaking resource will guide you from your initial idea to getting your finished project "in the can." It will show you how to create shots and effects that are rarely associated with low-budget productions.
What's New?
It's a brave new world out there and we're here to help you navigate it.
Digital video has come to mean all things to all people and the types of projects that are being made by indie filmmakers are more varied than ever.
So why stop at a single film? Go ahead, you know, Make Your Movies.
The Digital Filmmaking Handbook is a top-rated bestseller. It's been in print for 17 years. It offers 600 pages of regularly-updated information on all aspects of filmmaking. (Some people buy this book for the glossary alone.)