From the deepest, darkest depths of two of the most creative minds in all of human history comes
Featuring the lore, mythology, and illustrations of never-before seen hybrid creatures such as Sniders, Sceels, Squirsquitos, and other beasts whose names do not begin with the letter 'S, ' THE ENCYLCOPÆDIA BIZARRE is better than The Sun Also Rises, Tender is the Night, Don Quixote, Anna Karenina, One Hundred Years of Solitude, The Iliad, 1984, Candide, and every issue of Playboy from 1964-1972.
THREE HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH TEACHERS who work with the author agree:
"The Encyclopædia Bizarre is the most exciting encyclopædia I've ever read, and I read A LOT of encyclopædia."
--Sarah Pendleton, English Teacher
"This book is so good that I fell down and broke my foot."--Leslie Stretton, English Teacher
"I hate James Noll and everything he stands for." --Kevin Johnson, Social Studies "Teacher"
THE ENCYCLOPÆDIA BIZARRE is one of the strangest, most engrossing and entertaining books TO EVER EXIST