Needless to say, it is crucial to keep everything in mind before you follow any diet plan. Cutting out any particular something from your diet without proper knowledge and consultation is never a good idea. What to eat and what not; you will find everything you need to know in this book!
The Lean & Green Diet is a protocol scientifically structured to fit your eating habits and to delete the sense of hunger forever. You can eat your tasty Fuelings every 3 hours or less. Lean & GreenDiet is mainly designed to lose weight and maintain it.
The Essential Lean & Green Air Fryer Cookbook has proven its beneficial to hundreds of people in America and beyond, because - with the 400+ recipes inside - your body will be healthier, more energetic and longer-lived.
That's why I thought to offer you a cookbook with over 400 healthy and easy fried food recipes to cook through your Air Fryer.
What are you waiting for?