The black SUV's roared around them to a stop, boxing them in.
The only choice was to comply.
It looked like there were about five government-style SUV's that surrounded the family's pickup truck and it's older camping trailer.
"I thought we were done with these guys, Rosa."
"Must be a new department that didn't get the memo."
Their boy, sitting between them on the pickup's bench seat, just closed his eyes.
Time seemed to stop at that point. Three or four men in black suits from each SUV were pointing various weapons over the tops of their vehicles at the pickup cab.
In defense, the couple sat with raised, empty hands to get them in view of the agents.
The boy didn't move, but kept his eyes closed.
Almost as a choreographed move, the agents all holstered their weapons and returned to their vehicles. Then sped off in a single line, only to stop less than a block away with screeching tires - and climbed out to raid a donut shop on the corner.
"I hope the guy running that store doesn't get hurt." The mother commented.
Her boy replied. "No, they are all going to buy him out as an apology."
From where they sat in their pickup, they could see the agents carrying big boxes of donuts back to their SUVs.
While his parents looked at him with raised eyebrows, the child only smiled...
"It's been such a long time, Rosa. How are the rest of your kids?" Brigitte was busy getting dishes, mugs, cookies, coffee, and tea out for everyone, according to their preferences.
"They are all married and having our grandkids. Happy, healthy, and infrequent guests, which I love – of course."
"Who doesn't? Especially grandmothers. Ours often just telepath in with full video, but that's never the same as holding someone in your arms."
Rosa nodded in agreement. Josh and Joe smiled as they sipped their coffees. Augie nibbled at his cookie, taking this all in.
Joe looked directly at Josh. "I trust everything is all right – weren't you going toward the Mounds?"
Josh frowned. "Yes, we were – until we got stopped by some agents."
"Agents? I thought there was an agreement?"
"We didn't have time to figure out who they were – they never got their badges out. Dark suits, black SUV's, reflective sun glasses."
"Then they all left." Rosa added.
"Just left?" Brigitte wondered.
"To get donuts down the street. That was Augie's idea."
Brigitte nodded to Joe, and got up to clear off the empty plates for later washing. "As much as I'd like to hear about all this, I'm sure I will later. Josh, Rosa, let me show you our summer wild flowers and you can fill me in on all your progress – as well as your grandchildren."
The other three adults left Joe and Augie with the cookie plate, a coffee mug for Joe and iced tea for Augie.
"Brigitte thought you'd like to tell me yourself, without all the raised eyebrows, frowns, smiles, and whatnot." Joe explained.
Augie smiled, and Joe saw some memories that the boy thought were funny, which made the two of them chuckle.
"OK, Augie, what's the reason you're here for?"
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