Author Jim Edwards is well-grounded in the Christian faith, a gift
facilitated by his grandparents beginning early in his life. In The Final
Word, he shares his experiences and ideas about the Christian faith,
using personal anecdotes and third-party stories to illustrate how God
works in the lives of the faithful. He explores some of the obligations
and responsibilities of Christians and illustrates how to fi nd comfort and
guidance in the Bible.
Edwards offers a rational approach to develop a thought-based
comprehension of who God is, who we are, why we are here, and where
we go when we leave earth. The Final Word challenges Christians to think
about their relationship with God using unique and interesting simulated
dialogues between the author, God, and a friend. These scenarios draw
a clearer understanding of the word of God and show that God has the
fi nal word on the whereabouts of mankind in eternity.
Featuring a simulated interview with God, The Final Word explores an
array of mysteries such as the Tree of Life and God's Mathematical Laws.