A balanced and insightful look at end times events which provides practical advice on how the certainty of Jesus' return should impact the way Christians live now.
Talking about the end times can often seem confusing with many differing interpretations held by Christians. But one thing is absolutely clear - Jesus is coming back as a conquering king. So how would we live our lives if we really believed that Jesus was coming soon?
William Porter invites us to be 'forerunners' preparing the world for Jesus' return by declaring to the world around us that Jesus is coming again, and provides practical pointers on how we should prepare our own hearts and lives for this reality.
The Forerunner Cry combines a balanced and insightful look at end times events with a practical guide on how the certainty of Jesus' return should impact the way Christians live now.
Content Benefits: The Forerunner Cry enables readers to understand the biblical teachings on the end times, live a godly life, and be confident to pass on the message of the imminent return of Jesus.