The first trilogy of Star Gazer follows the life of Jack Barleycorn, as told to his grandchildren. It is set in the contemporary world of today, circa 2010. Jack is confident, self-assured, but speaks his mind, and loses yet another job. This is the point at which we pick up the saga of his life.
An accomplished yachtsman, Jack leaves his known life behind and creates a new future as an international boat consultant based in the Orient. On a journey, disaster strikes and he is left floating at the mercy of savage seas. Hallucinating, but guided by a voice, he shambles ashore more dead than alive, upon an uncharted South Pacific island.
It is inhabited by people, but not by homo sapiens.
The islanders have a Stone Age culture, yet use extremely advanced technology to shield the island from discovery, a legacy left behind by an alien race called The Ancestors. Later, Jack discovers other branches of the human line also survive, although we know of these through myth and legend as Elves, Dwarves, and Ogres.
A series of discoveries irrevocably alter Jack's life, as the trilogy leads us to discover the real reason why we exist. Catastrophe Theory, Darwinism, and religious dogma are dismissed, and a new truth offers an alternative explanation to our human evolution.
As the extraordinary tale unwinds, we are led to examine our most fundamental assumptions about humanity: who we are, where we came from, and perhaps more importantly, where we are headed.
This unabridged, second edition of Star Gazer Book One, adds substantially to the first edition. It now includes new, entertaining, and enticing initial chapters that introduce Jack and important characters. The castaway scenes, once précised, return to fuller length, and revised final chapters enhance dramatic impact. These changes encourage the reader to easily become lost within this most fascinating tale.