This book is to encourage people to read their bibles and to listen to God through the Holy Spirit. God still speaks to us today as He did many years ago to the prophets. We need to listen to his gentle whisper and come to Him in prayer. He wants us to walk and talk with Him and also keep in rhythm with Him. We need to remember He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. We need to read all the bible not bits and pieces as God has a path for us all to follow. The world is in a sorrowful state right now and many people need the Trinity in their lives which is the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
I felt the Lord speaking to me to write a book on going through the gates of life. I know I was holding the pen but the Lord gave me the words to write.
Jesus is coming back for us so we need to be ready for Him and the only way is to read and trust in His word.