In this hilarious and action-packed YA Fantasy adventure, a 12-year-old boy and his best friend launch their summer vacation in New Hampshire with the traditional wrestling match. But, they are in for a surprise when Duggard the Dog digs up an unexpected treasure, while the boys are duking it out in the home-made ring!
In The Gem That Generated Giving, Basil and Samuel learn valuable life lessons about bravery, helping people and overcoming adversity, as they are thrown headlong into a dangerous quest to discover the true meaning of the treasure that they found. The wisecracking buddies keep themselves entertained with jokes and jabs, as they try to stay clear of the devious billionaire Frederik Lars Vonsen and his mercenaries, who are also on a mission to acquire what they believe to be an extremely valuable magic stone.
Who can Basil and Samuel trust... and how will one solitary gemstone place them on a path that will change the lives of many strangers forever?
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