Heartbreaking and heartwarming, this tale of three generations of women tells of bravery, secrets, lies, family conflict and discovery: the consequences of one courageous woman's decision to join the Special Operations Executive in World War Two.
In 1943, when the SOE recruits bilingual Eve Harrison to work with the French Resistance as a courier, she eagerly accepts the challenge. Disguised as a Parisian glovemaker, she travels to occupied France with her mission partner Sylvie. Based in her uncle's glove making factory in Grenoble she transmits important messages back to England. But the risks she and Sylvie take result in the discovery of the Resistance network by the Germans. Tragedy strikes again when she believes Luc, the man with whom she has fallen in love, has been killed. Pregnant and heartbroken, she returns to England where she does her best to resume her life...
Seventy-three years later and in failing health, she reveals her story to her granddaughter Georgina, whose own journey of self-discovery culminates in her quest to find out if her grandfather is still alive.
In The Glovemaker's War, a work of fiction by Katherine Williams, we are made aware of the courage and resilience of a generation of women, whose stories went untold for decades after the end of World War Two.