Three brothers seek their fortune and one of them finds a hilarious treasure. The Golden Goose by Patrick Morrow and illustrated by Liam Callebout sparkles with fun and adventure. It tells the story of Dummling, the youngest of three brothers. He goes to cut wood, and along the way meets a strange old man. The man offers him advice. Dummling then finds a golden Goose, that leads him to the court of the King. Here Dummling meets princess Frown-a-lot. He has the task of making her laugh. This is the first in a series of 5 books, each showing that courage and character grow in unexpected places. These stories will nourish your child's imagination. They show that though we all feel small at times, we all have the potential to grow. These stories will help your child overcome obstacles, build confidence, and eventually find their own path through life. We are all on a journey, and we can learn from the example of those that found a way. These stories all show that it is possible to overcome great challenges. A picture speaks a thousand words, but a story paints a thousand pictures. These pictues will inspire confidence inyour child. The confidence to reach for the life they truly want.