The Happy Human is the new book from Australia's Laughter Specialist Scott Williams. Exploring the proven link between humour and better health this book is a 'must read' for anyone who wants to generate more laughter in their life! With stress management one of the big-ticket items for companies today Scott Williams is right on target with this book, delivering a blend of relevant and timely information that encourages the reader to look at life from a different perspective. Learning how to convert some of the 'negative energy' in our lives into positive pressure that can propel us forward. "A sense of humour is as vital to our mental wellbeing as breathing is to our physical wellbeing" Scott says. "In the book readers discover how they can begin to break down laughter limiting behaviours that we all develop on the road from childhood to adulthood. These behaviours stifle our ability to 'sense humour' and contribute to a loss of joy in our lives". It's a vital message that's loaded with laughter and the most fun you can have while learning.The book is wise and witty, intelligent and hilarious, therapeutic and fun. Humorously capturing the experiences of that 'sometimes not so little' voice inside our heads brings a fresh understanding to the human condition. It is insightful and brilliantly educational, helping people to understand that while genetics and circumstance play a role in shaping our personal inner disposition, our thoughts and actions – those things we do have some control over, can make a huge difference in determining whether we favour a negative or positive bias towards life.