Aeryn watched him, her heart filling with love and longing. She would make him hers. She still had no idea how she had fallen for him so quickly, when she'd always thought herself impervious to romance, a pure creature of lust. But fall for him she had. She'd make him hers. She'd decided that hours ago, almost the moment she laid eyes on him, but her resolve redoubled in that moment. If she would do anything at all in her mortal life, she would make Lord Prince Bastian Starfall her own.
The story of the training of a simple farm girl into a Concubine carries on. In this world, sex wizards dominate and control every aspect of political and cultural life, and none are more important and powerful than the Lord Prince Bastian Starfall. He has made it known to her that she is his most important Concubine, in spite of only being there for a few days... she has defied him, and he has been forced to rebuke her, as they come to know each other, and get accustomed to their mutual magic...
This 15,000 word story is part two of an ongoing series. It is a pansexual coming-of-age fantasy tale, featuring couplings and multiples. All characters are over the age of eighteen, none are related by marriage or by birth, and all characters engage in all acts entirely consensually. All stories will be available as singles, and also available as five-part anthologies upon completion. Either way, enjoy!