The Higher Education of a Cottonmouth is the tale of Mick Lee and his grandfather John Pierce, a man both renowned and reviled for his many acts. The events take place over the course of two days, when Mick, preparing for a final confrontation with the Devil himself, writes his most important memories of his grandfather and how he came to inherit his conflict with "Ole Scratch." John Pierce was a man who could be mean as a snake, but always appeared larger than life. Even though he was an "outsider," committing rather creative heists and landing himself in prison (what he called "state college," hence the story's title), his deeds of rebellion earned him fame and the love of his grandson. Through his journal entry, Mick tells the story of how his rebellious grandfather shaped his character and made him the man he is. After Mick completes writing in his journal, he must go out and fight the devil-or so he believes. Is the devil real or is Ole Scratch nothing more than his own restless mind?