The History of RAF Millom
Covering the airfields' wartime service from 1941 and brief reoccupation of the station in 1953, to its eventual conversion into HMP Haverigg. Extensively illustrated with over 260 photographs and including over 50 first-hand accounts of life at RAF Millom, Cumbria, England. This extremely accessible history will engage a broad readership and provide a historical treasure for future generations. The units' primary purpose was the training of aircrew for Bomber Command and those airmen who passed through the station went on to have many and varied experiences of aerial warfare. At the heart of them all lies a small and windblown airfield which served Sovereign and country through the dark days of WWII and beyond. Drawing on extensive historical, official and anecdotal material in this, his fourth and final book recording the history of the South Cumbrian airfields, the author has without doubt produced his finest and most comprehensive work to date.