In this fourth volume, Scott explores the core nature of the Gospel as we find it in the writings of Paul. Starting with the public conflict in Galatia, between Paul and Peter, a path unfolds. Paul's insistence that old divides were no longer valid, such divisions being in opposition to the true nature of the Gospel of freedom. The core identity now of being 'in Christ' meant that any identities based on class, gender, or former 'in'/'out' divisions were superseded by this new identity. A freedom that brought about radical sight; a Gospel that transcended good and evil; a line drawn between life and death; and an offer of a lifeline to all.
Explorations in Theology is a series of short books that offer some fresh perspectives on common themes. They are certainly not the final word, but are intended to open possibilities beyond a theology that selects a narrow set of 'proof-texts' (while ignoring others). Written in simple language, never demanding agreement with the author, they will become a resource to develop one's own convictions.