What is a BIG scary? A bad dream? Loud thunder? Lightning that involves the whole sky? A siren screaming in the night? A big, black dog barking as you ride your bike past his house? Regardless of their potential,BIG scaries cause fear and demand rescue and comfort. The Little Book of BIG Scaries asks the child what he does when he has the BIG scaries. Then it shows twelve different Bible characters including Daniel, David, and Jonah praying to God when they are in life threatening situations and feeling scared. It tells how God responds to each prayer individually.
Unique in its title and its focus on prayer, The Little Book of BIG Scaries is written in a light, assuring tone on a first grade level with lots of repeated phrases.
Because parents and grandparents are the primary ones who teach their children the life-long habit of taking all their fears to God in prayer, a parents' page is included that contains applications and the Bible reference to each complete story.