A valuable teaching aid, The magical world of Butterflies, explores the natural history of Butterflies from egg through caterpillar and chrysalis to its emergence as the beautiful winged miracle that has even ventured into space. The dangers they face are explained along with the surprising help some get. New ideas, words and natural processes are explained with full colour illustrations. It introduces children to the use of Latin in entomology demonstrating the value not just of Latin but also of being able to understand others with similar interests. They learn why today's scientists thank Carl von Linné for a great idea.
Parents find it's layout and fun style will satisfy curiosity and engage their children in a process that's truly magical. Rounding it off for the children is a quiz, hints on explorer kit, pages to colour a note page. There's also a great story about a greedy spider and the clever butterfly that does not want to be his supper.
TooWoo makes learning easy and fun, the Illustrations combined with fact, activity and story telling are a novel way to introduce nature study. A list of more advanced books and reference web sites complete the book.