The Magick of The Sirens and the Magick of the Muses
This is two books in one: The Sirens and The Muses.
The Sirens are demi-goddesses with amazing powers. I'll intrduce you to Rainde, the Siren who can assist you in improving a situation, or taking control agian. We'll look at Thelxinoe, a Siren who can give you the aura of glamor, and the power of a Silver Tongue. Finally, we'll look at Molpe, who can cause confusion in a target, allowing you to have advanatge over a rival in love or business.
The Muses are goddess of inspiration, music and the arts. A ritual to a muse will enable you to be inspired to create, inspired to develope new products for your business, inspire you to new heights in writing, acting, composing, and many, many other areas.
Like with my other Grecian Magick books, this book contains easy to follow instructions, what you will need for each ritual, and alternative items for a ritual if you can't use incense or candles. I have included custom sigils for each of the goddesses, plus instructions on how to craft your own sigils, with easy to follow examples.