The premier story in the Chosen to Serve series introduces Jimmy Westbrook, a servant of Jesus who is sent to minister to Steve Davis, a jail chaplain in Little Rock, Arkansas. Steve is a church member and has religion, yet Jimmy is sent by the Lord to show him the difference between religion and a personal relationship with Jesus.
As the Lord arranges it, Jimmy is arrested and meets Steve when he comes to hold a chaplain call for the jail's detainees. Over the following two weeks, the two men become good friends and Steve is shown Who the Lord really is and what the Scriptures really say. Jimmy's efforts to share these eternal truths center around sharing his own relationship with Jesus and how the Lord allows His servant to labor in His fields.
Jimmy reveals the nature of the call of the Lord on Steve's life, and exposes the spiritual warfare being used by evil to prevent Steve from hearing and responding to God's call.
Steve will hear the call clearly, but will he be willing to surrender to the Lord as his personal Lord and Savior?