This book teaches you how to make your household a paradise for your husband and children.
Through poetic language and beautiful examples, Reverend Bernard O'Reilly displays the supernatural virtues of the Christian home. He explains how to have a happy family life, how to win the heart of your children and raise them to be pious and successful, and how to find happiness in your home and make it the favorite place of the whole family.
It encourages the wife to be a reliable companion and true friend of her husband, showing how to make the family endure even the hardest times.
If you have marriage issues or difficulty with your children, this book is bound to help. Here are the words of Thomas Foley, Bishop of Chicago, to the author upon reading his book:
"It will be of vast service to many mothers and daughters in the Church by showing them how they may practically conform their lives to the bright pictures of womanly virtue you have so felicitously portrayed. And if others outside the Church may be induced to look into these pages, how many may be saved who are eager to do good and live virtuously, and have no one to teach them!"