Power and vengeance, love and betrayal, and a fight for redemption.
A three-generation tale of one family's struggle with their greatest enemy - themselves.
A Father's Choice
When confronted by a government's dark secret, will Rick Franklin risk everything for what he knows to be right or hide behind a lie?
A Brother's Secret
A young soldier's quest to find the truth about the brother he never knew he had exposes the ugly underbelly of the country he serves and a family history that shocks him to the core.
A Mother's Unreason
In the midst of a society sliding into chaos, a mother desperately tries to stop her two surviving children from murdering each other.
A Lover's Redemption
As one man's burning desire for his brother's death pushes him to the brink of madness, a lover seeks redemption for mistakes that stretch back a lifetime.
Who would you sacrifice for your beliefs? Yourself, your family, or your nation?