The eighth adventure of Robert Arthur's classic mystery series takes the Three Investigators to the fictional European country of Varania. Their new friend, Prince Djaro, cannot ascend the throne without the historic royal emblem - a silver spider on a silver chain.
But it's been stolen by Djaro's enemies! Posing as tourists, but actually secret agents, Jupiter, Pete, and Bob must find the spider to save the monarchy and see their friend crowned.
By turns enthralling, adventurous, and exotic, The Mystery of the Silver Spider promises to please not only the existing fan base of The Three Investigators series but a whole new generation of readers who will find in its pages three very different boys whose imagination, courage, and intelligence can remind us that curiosity, perseverance, and rational inquiry are just as vital as friendship and cooperation.
At the end of each Three Investigators book published by Hollow Tree Press are notes written by Robert Arthur's daughter and son-in-law, exploring three subjects connected to the story - in this case, Spiders, Risk-Taking, and Secret Agents - and young readers may want to use these notes as guidelines for further investigation. After all, the motto of The Three Investigators is "We Investigate Anything," and their trademark is "???" - three question marks, taken together.
On the 60th anniversary of the creation of The Three Investigators series, the first-ever English-language e-book editions of Robert Arthur's novels, as well as the first new English-language print editions in over twenty-five years, stand ready to delight a whole new audience. Be sure to seek out all ten titles!