In The New Dreaming, Sarah Foster shares the stories of fifteen Elders and Knowledge Keepers from around the world as they express their relationship with nature, ancestral teachings and traditions, language, and a personal message to all children of the Earth.
With vibrant illustrations and powerful storytelling, this book motivates children to recognize their vital role in creating a new path for humanity that will bring balance back to the natural world.
A thought-provoking read that explores key issues like our environmental crisis, reconciliation, and Indigenous land rights on both a national and global scale, The New Dreaming: Messages from Our Elders and Knowledge Keepers Around the World will inspire important conversations in the classroom and at home.
Sarah Foster grew up in Toronto, Canada, but has travelled the world assisting with projects that unite people in protecting the well-being of the planet and all its inhabitants. Her dream is that this book will inspire children everywhere to do just that.