Why do some people seem more creative, and how can you be one of them?
How can you have a continuous flow of actionable new ideas at work?
What does it take to think differently when you are surrounded by people who don't?
This guidebook is filled with useful, immediately actionable advice for applying your best thinking at work. You will learn to harness your creativity so you can:"Uncork all those ideas you've got bottled up inside you with this smart and engaging guide. You'll understand where creativity comes from, what stands in its way (Hello, Impostor Syndrome!), and how to engender creativity in others. Any innovation starts with taking a risk, so take a risk on this book. It will pay off in creative dividends" - Daniel Pink, New York Times Bestselling author of When, Drive, A Whole New Mind
"Your ability to be creative under pressure is what separates you from the pack. This book is full of practical tools and tips to help you unleash your creative brilliance." - Todd Henry, author of The Accidental Creative