Young nurse, Heini Hopkins, travels through France en route to Spain where she hopes to discover the fate of her boyfriend, Deiniol Price, an International Brigades volunteer. She also intends to nurse the Loyalist soldiers as they fight the fascists in the Spanish Civil War.
Taking a similar, though unconnected journey, novelist Naomi Parker travels to Spain where she intends to write propaganda pieces on behalf of the fascists. She also intends to meet up with the man of her dreams, dashing bomber pilot, Prince Nicolas Esteban.
While Naomi samples the high life in Spain, Heini is thrust on to the frontline where she tends an endless line of wounded soldiers.
The Loyalists train with wooden sticks instead of guns while the fascists bomb them from their German aeroplanes. Against such overwhelming odds, how can Deiniol survive? Furthermore, how can Heini remain true to herself amidst the chaos? While searching for answers, she learns the truth about herself, along with painful lessons about love and war.