There really isn't much material available dealing with bus and motorcoach safety. Most of it is about compliance with regulations, which doesn't deal with the day-to-day challenges of operating a fleet. Or it is material borrowed from the occupational health & safety side, which doesn't apply very well, because commercial vehicles are not traditional worksites.
And much of it tends to be fussy, technical, and more about the bureaucracy of safety, rather than how to actually get things done.
Our approach to Safety at Pacific Western has been:
This book provides an overview of the progress made by the Pacific Western Group of Companies as they pursued "Our Journey to World-Class Safety." It describes the programs, initiatives, approaches, and style they used to accomplish this objective.
If you are a Pacific Western employee, this book captures and preserves important details and learnings you should know about. They are an important part of Pacific Western's history and culture.
For others, we hope you will gain some interesting insights, and that something in this book will help you to make a difference in your journey.
Enjoy the trip.