Job seekers are frustrated. Online job applications through job boards and employer sites are leading to dead ends. Why? Employers are closing the last chapter on the online application playbook. Inundated by online applications and hampered by computer systems that are unable to select viable candidates from the masses of applicants, employers are now using innovative strategies to recruit and screen candidates online.
Advances in technology make the way jobs are found and filled online distinctly different from just a few years ago.
Employers are scanning the Web using advanced tools to capture signals from LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, among others, to recruit candidates.
Based on leading Internet strategies,
The Panic Free Job Search shows you how to get hired:
By developing a professional, Web-savvy profile
By leveraging the power of LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, VisualCV, YouTube, TubeMogul, and even your own Website
By sending the right signals through social networking sites
By tapping into the hidden job market Don't panic! You can get the job you want, even in this tough economy.