The Personal Internet Security Guidebook is a complete guide to protecting your computer(s) on the Internet. The newest attack point for hackers is home computers on DSL and/or cable modems. This book will show you how to set up a home network and protect it from the bad dudes. Also covered in this book is how to protect your computer on the road. Many hotels are now offering high-speed Internet access and this book will show you how to keep your computer safe in the hotel room as well as on the hotel network.
This is a how-to guide to keeping your personal computer safe on the Internet. Following the success of The Internet Security Guidebook, the authors have used their expertise to create a book specifically addressing home computers and traveling notebooks. Included in this book is a comprehensive list of vendors and services. Included are these key elements: protecting your PC on the Internet, home firewall software, how to set up a home network, protecting your PC on the road, and protecting your PC via DSL and/or cable modem.