Dynasties battle for the crown in Tessa Gratton's debut adult epic fantasy, The Queens of Innis Lear.
Three Queens. One crown. All out war.
Gaela. Ruthless Commander. I am the rightful heir of Innis Lear. No more will I wait in the shadows and watch my mother's murderer bleed my island dry.
The King's hold on the crown must end--willingly or at the edge of my sword.
Regan. Master Manipulator. To secure my place on the throne, I must produce an heir. Countless times I have fed the island's forests my blood. Yet, my ambition is cursed.
No matter what or whom I must destroy, I will wield the magic of Innis Lear.
Elia. Star-blessed Priest. My sisters hide in the shadows like serpents, waiting to strike our ailing king. I must protect my father, even if it means marrying a stranger.
We all have to make sacrifices. Love and freedom will be mine.
"Amazing. Just Amazing."--Robin McKinley