The purpose of the story depends on the person who is going to read it. Parts of it may cause some to examine their history. It may cause others to feel pity for the author and the occasional mistreatment to deter the author from obtaining more information about his own personal history. For parents or prospective parents, it can show you how to not treat your children, how much important information you may wish to divulge, or how much information you may wish to suppress, which would depend on the nature of the information and the maturity of the child. To the children, obey your parents, and do not disappoint them, especially if your parents have displayed a genuine love for you and truly look out for your best interest because it's true you are being given an opportunity to live in a loving environment to help you grow into a caring, productive citizen. Others may be able to discern a spiritual component that exists in all things and everyone because God, not always being apparent with our human eyes, is involved in every aspect of our lives. Read, learn, enjoy, and ponder.