The Ravenstone: The Secret of Ninham Mountain, is an exciting middle-grade fantasy! This page-turner is a great choice for tween readers, 8 to 13, especially during homeschooling. Keep your young teen or preteen entertained and engaged. There's magic, time-travel, action and adventure.
Imagine a magical raven leading you to a carved stone that sends you traveling through time! The Ravenstone! This is how the adventure begins for 13-year-old twins, Nadia and Aidan Shaw. Sent on a dangerous mission by a mysterious old shaman in a mirror, the twins plunge back to the 5th century, determined to retrieve a now extinct healing plant. They must depend on their courage, their faith in their friends, and luck... or is it destiny? If they succeed, they could change the history of the world. If they fail, they could be trapped in the past forever.
Diane Solomon enjoyed a wonderfully diverse career path that included her own variety show on BBC TV in England and major tours with Glen Campbell and Kenny Rogers. Her highly successful singing career has given way to her lifelong dream of being a writer.
This is the first novel written with her husband, Mark Carey, a retired biologist, naturalist, and accomplished voice-over artist.
They live in New Hampshire, on acres of woods and streams, where they spend many hours designing gardens and meadows, and watching wildlife.