These stories consist of a variety of genres including adventure, corporate intrigue, Old West satire, romance and science fiction, and provide an engaging combination of conflict, action, love, sex and killings. They are also included in the subsequent collection "Willful Women".
*** "About Sam" has a seemingly ordinary housewife who is secretly a Homeland Security agent. Share in her conflicts, family issues, adventures and romance.
*** "Lost in Space-Time" is based on rumors, physics blogs, and NASA videos found on the internet. A crew of young astronauts solves the mystery of space travel. Using reverse engineered alien technology from Area 51, they employ tachyons and space folding to travel great distances quickly. They hope to one day control the where and the when of their destinations.
*** "Six-Gun Saloon Girls" is an Old West spoof; a story of gambling, girls and guns. Share the adventures of Sarah, her sister, and the other saloon girls. Most of us had at least one teacher in our childhood that we loved to hate. Mine was called Big Bertha and, as this story is a spoof, she is briefly included here accordingly.
*** "Blake Industries" is a story of corporate misdeeds and another Ponzi scheme discovered. The Feds get involved, a Learjet gets into trouble, and a romance flourishes.
*** "Pirate Queen" is in a category by itself as it crosses into increased intensity due to a higher level of sex and violence, and may not be appropriate for the more sensitive reader. A young Florida woman becomes involved with some drug runners and their cigarette boat. She is subsequently kidnapped by a more experienced and vicious group of the same, bringing out her suppressed sadistic side as they all expand their misdeeds to include modern-day Caribbean piracy. She evolves into the wicked and notorious Pirate Queen.
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