Ankh-Tawy, 1753 BC.
It is a simple thing really. A wooden stick with ox-hairs glued on its end, but the scepter symbolizes royal authority. Sobekkara Sobekneferu, Egypt's second female ruler wields her scepter as an amulet, protection from the noblemen in her court. After all, they slew one monarch, they may slay another.
San Francisco, 2007.
When Cher Madison, an aspiring archaeologist purchases a scepter from a novelty shop, she stumbles upon a genuine piece from antiquity. Her acquisition coupled with her new passion for genealogy leads her on a journey, one which uncovers secrets from her family's distant past. However, there are those who fear Cher's good fortune. The scepter in her family's possession might spark a restoration of ancient traditions, namely the monarchy.