In the aftermath of a horrendous war, former SEAL Rick Stanford catches a pretty little thief sneaking around the settlement he’s been charged to protect. Rather than see the petite brunette tried for her crimes, he protects Ally in the best way he knows how—by claiming the reluctant young woman as his wife. He’s been longing for a female to call his own for quite some time, and now that he’s found Ally, he’ll never let her go.
The whole world has gone to hell, and Ally can’t believe her only option for survival is to marry a complete stranger. She soon discovers her new husband is firm but fair. He promises to keep her safe, but he also promises to spank her bare bottom when she disobeys him. Though she wasn’t the most willing of brides, Ally can’t help but admire her ruggedly handsome and kind husband, and she longs for him to thoroughly claim her for the first time. But can she truly find love with the tough former SEAL who demands her obedience?