THE SECOND COMFORTER: Supping with Our Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ
In the final edition of this book, I used Tachyonic Physics and the Light Cone Chart as my scientific proof. I included a section about Quantum Non-Locality. I'm primarily a scientist rather than a prophet or a mystic.
A couple of sections contain my standard defense package against Materialism. I found that the best defense is a good offense. I first had to get rid of my residual Atheism, Materialism, and Darwinism, BEFORE I was free to pursue knowledge and information about Spirit, Spirituality, Quantum Mechanics or Spiritual Mechanisms, Revelations from God, Revelations of God, the Nature of God, the Scriptures of God, the Holy Ghost, and THE SECOND COMFORTER.
Contains a section about THE SECOND COMFORTER Experience and what it really means to sup with the Lord. The Focal Point of this book. What is an "Anointed Savior", a "Jesus Christ"? Who can be called to fill that Position or Role? Contains an Introduction to the Ultimate Model of Reality or a Psyche Ontology. Lived Experience is the BEST way for finding and knowing the TRUTH. The Birth of the Earth. Some of my Scientific Discoveries. The Atonement of Christ is tachyonic or syntropic.