New husband. New city. New in-laws and new expectations.
Welcome to my life as a Bengali newlywed.
They say you don't just marry the guy, you marry the whole family. They also say you don't really know someone until you live with them. But, surely, after the challenge of finding a man, and the nightmare of planning my big fat Bangladeshi wedding, this newlywed phase is the easy bit, right? Right?!
From award-winning author Halima Khatun, comes the latest instalment in The Secret series, where the glass half-full heroine navigates her biggest life changes yet, with her unique blend of self-deprecation and acerbic humour.
The Secret Diary of a Bengali Newlywed explores race, identity, belonging and family in a way only Halima Khatun knows how.
About the author
Halima Khatun is a former journalist (having worked for ITV and the BBC), writer and PR consultant.
Since she was a child, she knew that words would be her thing. With a lifelong passion for writing, Halima wrote her first novel - a coming-of-age children's story - at the age of 12. It was politely turned down by all the major publishing houses. However, proving that writing was indeed her forte, Halima went on to study English and Journalism and was one of just four people in the UK to be granted a BBC scholarship during her postgraduate studies.
She has since written for a number of publications including the HuffPost and Yahoo! Style, and has been featured in the Express, Metro and other national publications. Halima also blogs on lifestyle, food and travel and parenthood on halimabobs.com. This is where she also shares updates on her novels.
Her specialism is writing own voice fiction, women's fiction, and romantic comedy with a multicultural twist.