"THE SEVEN CHAKRAS AND THEIR RULING PLANETS" illuminates the human connection to the cosmos to help us realize the power of our inner world and the potential it holds. The book is grounded in the belief that becoming a higher version of us is what this life journey is about.
Each of the seven Chakras corresponds to one of the seven visible planets of our Solar System. Each Chakra is tuned to the energy and movement of a particular celestial body. In order to achieve wholeness, we must bring this inner system into balance and allow the energy of each planet to express fully and freely within us.
By embracing the archetypal powers of the planets, we transform our life. When we tap into celestial energies, we optimise our wellbeing. Planetary archetypes offer timeless wisdom and transformational potential for all discerning Souls.
Planetary Insights for the Modern Soul:
The seven planets represent different psychological functions, they are archetypes. Archetypes are the psychological impulses fo the mind, each with its own unique set of energies and meaning. Each planet stands for a certain force that is operative in the muman psyche and is coded in the energy field of its corresponding Chakra.
The book presents descriptions and explanations of each planetary archetpe and each corresponding Chakra, including but not limited to:
How archetypal qualities influence and manifest in your life How planetary forces operate in the human psyche. The more you know about them, the greater the healing and transformation Description of balanced and imbalanced Chakras at the psychological and physical levels Astrological timing best suited to work with each Chakra for healing, balancing and transformation The characteristics of healthy Chakras, as well as manifestations of imbalances Integrating the energy of each archetype within the Chakra it rules PRACTICIAL TOOLS for balancing, activating, and aligning the Chakras to their highest potential Resonating gemstones, essential oils, color frequencies, sacred sounds, and meditations for igniting your inner spark Each chapter culminates with a 'planetary reading' that unlocks the planets' secrets to empower your journey and infuses your life with your ruling planet's rhythms.Howla Jardali is a planetary astrologer with a passion for helping readers see life as a creative adventure of self-discovery. She combines knowledge of astrologyh, alchemy, archetypal psychology, and ancient yoga healing traditions into a magical comtemporary blend that applies perfectly to today's busy, often disconnected lifestyles.
Howla hopes that her books will help readers discover their innate gifts and come to realize that they are already a materpeice of wisdom - here for a purpose.