Some pregnancies are celebrated. Some are not. Those that are not attract demons.
Little Becca is thrust into spiritual warfare while she is still in her mother's womb. She's only the size of a pea. But size means nothing to the evil spirits who roam the earth in search of victims. Victims who under the right circumstances may become homes for demonic invaders.
One day a roaming demon of rejection is drawn to the baby by the power of negative words being spoken about her by her parents. Inside the home, Vincent and Heather are discussing why they can't have this baby. The demon watches hungrily and waits patiently for the would-be parents to finalize their plans about the baby, and to speak the right words that will cross a spiritual line and give him permission to invade little Becca's life.
The demon's goal? To establish a stronghold of rejection in Becca's mind. A concentration of demonic power so powerful that the child never becomes the person God created her to be.
Vincent and Heather don't want their child. A demon of rejection does.
But so does God.