Nine hundred years in the future, a peaceful but struggling humanity reaches out from Earth, looking for planets, looking for people, looking for their place in the galaxy.
They find more than they bargained for.
Book 1: The Sundering
Far in the outer sectors, the supply chain from Earth is stretched to the breaking point. Ships can only jump between stars using an ancient alien transportation system called the a-rings. But now, someone or something is jumping into human space, destroying the a-rings, and trapping people on rundown space stations.
Cargo captain Beezan Mirage, one of the few people that can jump, has sacrificed eight years as a solo pilot delivering critical supplies to keep space stations operational. For Beezan, it's better to be alone than suffer the loss of another crew.
Runaway Jarvie Atikameq makes a desperate move to get away from teen training school, onto a ship, and back to his last surviving shipmate. He may be the only person with a clue to what's really happening with the mysterious a-ring accidents.
They never meant to change history.
First Contact
Science Fiction Adventure