In The Time Traveler, Lydia's quiet life in Connecticut takes an extraordinary turn when a mysterious boy named Phelix appears at her window. Phelix, a time-traveling Nephilim, reveals his origins as the son of Lilja and Gilgamesh, and his mission to alter the course of history to save his mother and sisters from a catastrophic flood that wiped out their ancient world.
As Lydia joins Phelix on a journey through time and space, she encounters breathtaking ancient civilizations, untold secrets about the Nephilim's creation, and the divine tools they wielded to shape humanity's early history. Along the way, they face betrayal, fierce battles, and the relentless pursuit of modern intelligence forces who see Phelix and his kind as both a threat and a key to unlocking hidden mysteries of the past.
Caught between two worlds, Lydia discovers the lengths to which love, courage, and determination can drive someone—whether to rewrite history or to create a family in the most unexpected circumstances. As Phelix and Lydia work to change the past and protect the future, they grapple with moral questions, powerful enemies, and the unbreakable bonds of hope.