The sun. Once the giver of light and life. Now, controlled by the Superiors and their Dyson sphere world of Euphoria. Humanity's social dregs and violent undesireables remain relegated to their dying world, while their new masters live a harmonious existence in their engineered paradise. Euphoria's attenuation fields control the light, dictating life on Earth. Adhere to the rules, they supply just enough sunlight to keep Earth in squalor. Disobey and they impose an artificial eclipse.
The human military complex has discovered a weakness in the Superiors' grand creation. For reasons unknown, the Superiors race to reconstruct Euphoria's collection core with a rare ore being mined from a clandestine base somewhere in the solar system.
Freedom for Earth is but one successful covert operation away. Its fate rests in the hands of ruined starship pilot, Nelson Jornak -- the sole person living on Earth with combat experience against the Superiors. With the help of Lt. Gracie "Grace Ace" Vellors, this unlikely duo must infiltrarte Euphoria and discover the Superior's secret.
Time wanes. Whoever controls the ore controls the destiny of the entire solar system.