This December, Bex has a new job working for a charity that distributes Christmas gifts to needy children. It doesn't pay well, but it makes her feel good inside. Or it would, if not for her coworker Deirdre.
Deirdre has never had a kind word for Bex since she arrived. She threw away the festive decorations Bex bought with her own paycheck. Worst of all, she stopped Bex from giving a little extra help to a family that needed it.
Why is someone that bitter working at a Christmas charity, of all places? And how can Bex stop her from ruining Christmas for everyone else?
One man might know. And if he's right, Deirdre might not be ruining Christmas at all. In her own way, she just might be making the world a better place.
This short story is 7500 words long. It is also available in Santa's Rejects, a collection of offbeat Christmas stories.